
Why did you choose this course?

  • I wanted to try an art that I have never explored before.
  • My grandfather was a big graphic designer and always talked about how amazing it was.
  • My parents are both artistic so I thought I might have the gene (turns out I don't). 
  • I am interested in having a blog and I wanted to learn more about how I could create my own design for my blog.
Why is this course important?

  • I think this course is important because I usually have a hard time being patient with art projects and I think it will help with my patience and focus... it is going to be exciting to complete a project that I worked hard on.
What type of style do you focus on? Why?

  • Modern, colorful, bright, pretty, beauty-related, esthetically pleasing images and prints. 
How does graphic design impact your everyday life?

  • When I look at street signs, labels on products, flyers, and internet ads I think of how that it was created using graphic design. 
How will this knowledge be useful in your future?

  • I think it will help out with my desired career. I want to be in the beauty industry and when I have my own brand/company one day I can design things on my own!
